St. Nicholas Stocking Charity - 12/21/16
This year we joined up with Martha Bowman Memorial UMC distributing gifts to the less fortunate in Macon.
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20th Anniversary of St. Innocent Orthodox Church, Macon GA - 09/04/16
On Saturday and Sunday, September 3/4, St. Innocent Orthodox Church celebrated 20 years since our founding in Macon, GA. His Grace Bishop Alexander was with us for the celebration. On Saturday we started with a Moleben of Thanksgiving followed by an informal get together and finished with Great Vespers. On Sunday we served the Hierarchial Liturgy. Three readers were tonsured and a Diocesan Gromata was given. It was a beautiful weekend. May God continue to grow and establish our humble church!
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Lenten Retreat with Fr. Steven Voytovich - 04/09/16
On Saturday April 9th Fr. Steven Voytovich lead us in a Lenten Retreat. The focus of the retreat was our "Community Life in Christ."
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Kursk Root Icon Visit - 02/05/16
On Friday, February 5th we were blessed with a visit of the Wonderworking Kursk Root Icon of the sign. It was a beautiful and profoundly spiritual evening.
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Theophany 2016 - 01/06/16
When Thou, O Lord was baptized in the Jordan, the worship of the Trinity was made manifest!
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