We had a good turn out and a wonderful class taught by Dr. Gary Cox. The video for this first part will be posted next week.
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On Sunday, October 28th we served a Baptismal Liturgy and received Marianne and Lana into the Church. May God grant them many years!
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On Saturday, October 13th we had our monthly Family Church School. It was a lot of fun with great food and fellowship. A big thank you to the teachers, organizers and cooks and all those who participated!
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On Saturday, September 22, Drs. David and Mary Ford from St. Tikhon's Orthodox Seminary, gave two talks on Marriage and Family life. Their talks were uplifting and enriching.
Dr. David Ford Wisdom about Marriage from the Saints through the centuries
Dr. Mary Ford, Spiritual life and family life
You can also listen to these talks on Itunes.
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Church School Begins! - 09/15/18
On Saturday, September 15th we held our first Church School session for Adults and Children. It was a beautiful day with over 70 participants. The kids were good, the food was good, the teachers were great and it was nice to fellowship with all of our families!
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On Sunday, August 5th we were blessed with a visit from the Rucker family. Fr. David and Mat. Rozanne gave a presentation on their current work in Kodiak, Alaska.
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In July, Fr. Theophan and family, the Croft family and Judge Lanier attended the Orthodox Church in America's All American Council in St. Louis, MO. It was wonderful to have the grace of the Holy Spirit gathering us from the four corners of North America.
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This year was memorable. As we processed around the church the skies opened all the way and poured rain upon us. It was a lot of fun to get rained on in the middle of our icon procession!
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Theophany Eve, Theophany with Chrismations, The Blessing of the Waters at Amerson River Park. A beautiful festal weekend!
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