Christ is Born! Another blessed Nativity Liturgy followed by traditional Christmas carols and fellowship.
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On Saturday and Sunday, November 2/3, Archbishop Alexander visited us for his second time. On Sunday he ordained Colin to the Sub-diaconate and awarded a golden cross to Fr. Theophan. The services were beautiful and grace-filled and it was wonderful to fellowship and getting to know our Archbishop. May God grant him many years! A big thank you goes out to the choir, altar servers, bell-ringers, our photographer and all who organized, prepared food, helped clean up.
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Great Feast of Pentecost - 06/16/19
A beautiful feast day with four newly illuminated Orthodox Christians. What more could we ask for? May God grant them many years!
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After Agape Vespers which featured nine languages this year, we celebrated with food, fellowship and four separate egg hunts! What a beautiful day. Christ is Risen!
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On the Saturday of the Precious and Life-giving Cross we had a bell workshop with Andrew and Nickolas Rictchy from St. Symeon's in Birmingham. On Sunday we blessed the bells at the conclusion of the Liturgy and soon bells will be heard at St. Innocent!
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Our master craftsman Colin Croft designed a built a beautiful new bell tower which we blessed this past week on the Sunday of Orthodoxy.
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On Saturday, March 16th, Fr. Seraphim Aldea gave a presentation on his work establishing the Mull Monastery, the first Orthodox Monastery in the Celtic Isles of Scotland in a thousand years & the saints of the Celtic Isles.
You can watch a video of Fr. Seraphim's presentation @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnMZYe0iJxA
Q&A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbMhRfV4_Bk

Theophany eve Great blessing and Theophany day Blessing of the Ocmulgee River at Amerson Water Park. It was a beautiful service and a great time.
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