Great Feast of the Nativity of our Lord - 12/25/20
On December 25th we gather to celebrate the birth of our Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ.
Disclaimer: We all wore masks most of the time (except when kissing the cross)
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Thank you for all the clothing and shoe donations, a full truck load! We were able to drop them off today at the Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia. Click here (https://www.rescuemissionga.co...) to learn more about what the Rescue Mission of Middle Georgia does in our area. Originally, we intended that these donations go to Macon Outreach but they had no room for our donation so we had to go with our second choice. Thank you!
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Thank you for all of the donations to our Central State Prison charity. We delivered 60 bags with soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, chips, candy, and noodle bowls. The Chaplain was very appreciative and she was sure the men would be as well!
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On Sunday, January 26 we had our Annual Parish Meeting where we reviewed what is going on at St. Innocent. It turns out, a lot is going on. Thank God!
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Congratulations to Makarios and Luke as they enter the Orthodox faith! We finished off the day by blessing the Ocmulgee river at Amerson River Park and a picnic.
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